WOW Animals - Hide n' Seek  is a mobile game for preschool, in which they can find and discover different animals around the world, play with them in their habitats and collect items in the scrapbook. The game is from the universe of WOW Animals animation, an educational show teaching about nature and raising awareness for conservation.
It was necessary to transform the colorful animation content into a new perspective and interactive way while keeping key aspects of the IP: new animals to discover, world traveling, and presenting diverse biomes as backgrounds.

Studio: PushStart
Executive Direction: Vinicius Oppido
Executive Production: Felipe Marlon
Technical Direction: Wagner Nitsch
Production: André Celotti
Game Design: Victor Barbosa, Vinicius Oppido, Yara Mayumi
Animation: Bruno Leal, Kevin de Aguiar, Paulo Biagioni
Art: Bela Lino, Bruno Leal, Caio Tamashiro, Carolina Ohara, Débora Kamogawa, Paulo Biagioni, Tainá Fabro, Yara Mayumi, Zenite Sentoma
Programming: Aiami Garcia, Alessandro Siqueira, Victor Barbosa
QA: Jade Wang

All rights reserved to ©PushStart

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